
Sam Sherman's Summer Internship Story

Read the story Sharing applied mathematics with the world from Sam’s 2018 NSF-sponsored internship working with me at Sandia National Labs.

SIMODS Word Cloud

Just for fun, some of the terms from submissions in the first six months of SIMODS. This was generated using the titles, abstracts, and keywords from all the submissions that went for full review.

Engineering Paper

I recreated the page from a standard engineering computation pad for use with electronic note-taking systems.

SIAM Launches New Journal on the Mathematics of Data Science

SIAM has launched a new journal on the Mathematics of Data Science, and it is now taking submissions.

Re-elected for 3rd Term on SIAM Board of Trustees

I have been re-elected to a third term on the SIAM Board of Trustees. Thanks to all SIAM members who voted in the election - your participation matters! The Board is a largely invisible but important part of SIAM because they are responsible for the management of SIAM. In fact, they are the body that has full legal control of SIAM funds, investments, and properties. The board comprises nine elected members along with the SIAM President, SIAM Treasurer, and two appointees (determined by the Board).

Sparse Versus Scarce

Sometimes the term sparse is used to refer to a matrix that has a large fraction of missing entries, but the more typical usage of that term is to refer to a matrix that has a large fraction of zero entries. We instead recommend the term scarce for a large amount of missing data and discuss various scenarios.

New Tensor Toolbox Website

The Tensor Toolbox is now fully open source and also has a new website at

Recommended Reading

What Works for Women at Work, Beyond Bias and Barriers (from the National Academy), Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion, A PhD Is Not Enough, and The Illustrated Guide to a PhD

Advice Talks

Two older talks: one on giving talks and another on career advice.

Old Links

A collection of “What’s New” links from my old homepage.