
SIAM Blog Posts (updated)

MDS2022 Career Panel

Panel Discussion at MDS22 Prepares Students and Early-Career Researchers for the Workforce.

Red Flags of the Association for Mathematical Research (AMR): Friends Don't Let Friends Join the AMR

AMR is a newly-formed math organization whose officers hold views antithetical to diversity and inclusion. For the sake of the field of mathematics, please do not encourage this organization in any way.

Virtual Meeting Best Practices

We’re all in a lot of virtual meetings these days thanks to COVID-19. As we continue to shelter at home, I’ve been trying to optimize my online meeting experience. In this post, I share what I consider to be best practices.

Interview Advice

Just in time for the 2019-2020 interview season, I’m resurfacing posts with interview advice including asking good questions during interviews and preparing interview talks.

CSE19 Education Talk

Recommended Reading

What Works for Women at Work, Beyond Bias and Barriers (from the National Academy), Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion, A PhD Is Not Enough, and The Illustrated Guide to a PhD

Advice Talks

Two older talks: one on giving talks and another on career advice.