
MDS2022 Career Panel

Panel Discussion at MDS22 Prepares Students and Early-Career Researchers for the Workforce.

FEASTPACK is back!

FEASTPACK is MATLAB software for creating large-scale artificial graphs that match a given degree distribution (i.e., the same distribution of edges) and a given clustering coefficient distribution (i.e., the same distribution of 3-cycles).

SIAM Activity Group on Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (SIAG-EDI) Proposal

There is a proposal to form a new SIAM Activity Group on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (SIAG/EDI). If you support this effort, you can provide your e-signature.

Midwest Optimization & Statistical Learning 2022

Great time at Midwest Optimization & Statistical Learning (MO&S) 2022 workshop at Northwestern University.

Tensors Methods in Statistics

Had a great visit to University of Chicago, a highlight of which was getting a signed copy of the 2nd edition of Tensor Methods in Statistics.

WiDS22 Pictures

Women in Data Science (WiDS22) was an excellent conference, including portraits from famous illustrator Liza Donnelly.

Will the real Jennrich's Algorithm please stand up?

In many papers on tensor decomposition since 2014, the simultaneous diagonalization algorithm is incorrectly referenced as Jennrich’s algorithm. This method should not be attributed to Jennrich but instead cited as Leurgans, Ross, and Abel (1993).

Red Flags of the Association for Mathematical Research (AMR): Friends Don't Let Friends Join the AMR

AMR is a newly-formed math organization whose officers hold views antithetical to diversity and inclusion. For the sake of the field of mathematics, please do not encourage this organization in any way.

Women in Linear Algebra and Optimization at JMM 2000

I will try to now and then post some pictures that remind me of great times in my career. This is a picture that I featured in my office for more than a decade!

IMSI Board of Advisors

I have joined the Board of Advisors for the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (IMSI).