
SIAM Blog Posts (updated)

My old SIAM blog posts were lost for a time, but the SIAM staff has generously resurrected them!

Here are pointers to my SIAM Blog Posts on

  1. How to Organize a SIAM minisymposium, Feb. 2014
  2. What Kind of Science Is Computational Science? A Rebuttal, Jan. 2014
  3. How and Why to Ask Good Questions During Interviews, Dec. 2013


I will be co-chairing the 2027 SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra along with Mark Embree (Virginia Tech). The LA24 conference in Paris will be an impossible act to follow, but stay tuned.

Unlocking Latex Graphics: Book and YouTube Channel

If you’re ready to level up your LaTeX graphics game using TikZ and PGFPLOTS, check out my book and videos! Read on for links…

New Book: Tensor Decompositions for Data Science

We are happy to share a draft of our forthcoming textbook. Click for more…

Six Years as EIC of SIMODS

As my tenure as founding Editor-in-Chief comes to a close (SIAM wisely has term limits), I want to take a moment to reflect on the launch of the SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS). I am grateful to the authors, reviewers, editorial board members, and SIAM staff who have contributed to the success of the journal. I am proud of the journal’s achievements and excited to turn over the reins to the new Editor-in-Chief, Misha Belkin.

Joining the Editorial Board of ISI Information and Inference

I am happy to announce that I am now part of the editorial board of Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA. This journal publishes high quality articles that advance the mathematical understanding of information and data analysis. The articles cover a wide range of topics, such as: information theory, statistical inference, network analysis, numerical analysis, learning theory, applied and computational harmonic analysis, probability, combinatorics, signal processing, and high-dimensional geometry.

SIAM Activity Group on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (SIAG-EDI)

As of April 2024, SIAM has officially launched the new SIAM Activity Group on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. It is the purpose of the SIAM Activity Group on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion to (1) advocate and support equity, diversity, and inclusion within the field of applied mathematics, and (2) discuss and disseminate best practices for creating and sustaining equitable, diverse, and inclusive environments within the field of applied mathematics. Within the framework of SIAM, the SIAG will conduct activities that implement its purposes.

Illustrating the Impact of Mathematics

For the past 3+ years, I’ve been chairing an all-star National Academies committee charged with creating a series of posters on Illustrating the Impact of Mathematics. The website is finally live, and I’m really excited to share the results!!

Now Tooting on Mathstadon

I’ve moved my social network activity to Mathstadon.

Updated FAQ

An updated FAQ on my academic and consulting work.