
Parallel Tensor Compression for Large-Scale Scientific Data

W. Austin, G. Ballard and T. G. Kolda, In IPDPS’16: Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2016

Newton-Based Optimization for Kullback-Leibler Nonnegative Tensor Factorizations

S. Hansen, T. Plantenga and T. G. Kolda, Optimization Methods and Software, 2015

Numerical Optimization for Symmetric Tensor Decomposition

T. G. Kolda, Mathematical Programming B, 2015

Symmetric Orthogonal Tensor Decomposition is Trivial

T. G. Kolda, arXiv, 2015

An Adaptive Shifted Power Method for Computing Generalized Tensor Eigenpairs

T. G. Kolda and J. R. Mayo, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2014

Exploiting Symmetry in Tensors for High Performance

M. D. Schatz, T.-M. Low, R. A. van de Geijn and T. G. Kolda, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2014

On Tensors, Sparsity, and Nonnegative Factorizations

E. C. Chi and T. G. Kolda, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2012

Shifted Power Method for Computing Tensor Eigenpairs

T. G. Kolda and J. R. Mayo, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2011

Multilinear Algebra for Analyzing Data with Multiple Linkages

D. M. Dunlavy, T. G. Kolda and W. P. Kegelmeyer, In Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra, 2011

All-at-once Optimization for Coupled Matrix and Tensor Factorizations

E. Acar, T. G. Kolda and D. M. Dunlavy, In MLG’11: Proceedings of Mining and Learning with Graphs, 2011