New Term Weighting Formulas for the Vector Space Method in Information Retrieval


The goal in information retrieval is to enable users to automatically and accurately find data relevant to their queries. One possible approach to this problem is to use the vector space model, which models documents and queries as vectors in the term space. The components of the vectors are determined by the term weighting scheme, a function of the frequencies of the terms in the document or query as well as throughout the collection. We discuss popular term weighting schemes and present several new schemes that offer improved performance.

Tech. Rep., Oak Ridge National Laboratory
E. Chisholm, T. G. Kolda. New Term Weighting Formulas for the Vector Space Method in Information Retrieval. Tech. Rep. No. ORNL-TM-13756, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1999.


author = {Erica Chisholm and Tamara G. Kolda}, 
title = {New Term Weighting Formulas for the Vector Space Method in Information Retrieval}, 
number = {ORNL-TM-13756}, 
institution = {Oak Ridge National Laboratory}, 
month = {March}, 
year = {1999},