Tensors have found application in a variety of fields, ranging from chemometrics to signal processing and beyond. In this paper, we consider the problem of multilinear modeling of sparse count data. Our goal is to develop a descriptive tensor factorization model of such data, along with appropriate algorithms and theory. To do so, we propose that the random variation is best described via a Poisson distribution, which better describes the zeros observed in the data as compared to the typical assumption of a Gaussian distribution. Under a Poisson assumption, we fit a model to observed data using the negative log-likelihood score. We present a new algorithm for Poisson tensor factorization called CANDECOMP-PARAFAC alternating Poisson regression (CP-APR) that is based on a majorization-minimization approach. It can be shown that CP-APR is a generalization of the Lee-Seung multiplicative updates. We show how to prevent the algorithm from converging to non-KKT points and prove convergence of CP-APR under mild conditions. We also explain how to implement CP-APR for large-scale sparse tensors and present results on several data sets, both real and simulated.
nonnegative tensor factorization, nonnegative CANDECOMP-PARAFAC, Poisson tensor factorization, Lee-Seung multiplicative updates, majorization-minimization algorithms
author = {Eric C. Chi and Tamara G. Kolda},
title = {On Tensors, Sparsity, and Nonnegative Factorizations},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
volume = {33},
number = {4},
pages = {1272-1299},
month = {December},
year = {2012},
doi = {10.1137/110859063},